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News NOS Monthly meeting at 2:30 pm Saturday, July 13, 2024, at Superior Perkins next to the Bong Memorial

Hello Orchid People,

Hello Orchid Folks, I hope you are well and enjoying some Summer time fun, The Northland orchid society meets at 2:30, July 13th, at Superior's Perkins. Bring your orchid questions, and plants for show or sale. Thanks again to Robert for showing us his home and lab. Very amazing! I hope you can make it to Perkins. It will be good to see you. Best wishes, Gary

Best wishes, Gary



Welcome to Northland Orchid Society!

Can you grow an orchid? It's easier than you think and it's fun and rewarding!

Thanks for taking the time to visit the Northland Orchid Society (NOS) website. Whether a beginner or an expert orchid grower, you will find all the wonderful things our site has to offer, and you are welcome to join the society if you are not already involved.

Like the passion you have for orchids, NOS membership is a truly rewarding experience. NOS provides a forum for us to meet and learn from each other on how to grow various kinds of orchids in you home. The annual orchid sale and various guest speaker and orchid show events allow us to share the appreciation and cultivation of orchids as a hobby.

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